
What I want to focus on my channel and series I have running.

Guides, tech, android, reviews, top lists and more stuff that is related.

Just anything that I am involved with, am passionate about and enjoy.
I will list series that I have running on my channel and some that I plan to start.

-Fixing android
-Top lists

-Windows related tutorials(Everything and anything about Windows, from how to speed it up, top apps to install, what I use, themeing and modifications, how to do this and that on Windows, etc.)

-Free hosting reviews(short series)
-What’s Priest up to ? (updates and announcements)
-Broadcast yourself
-Fixing Youtube(issues,glitches,inconveniences)
-Computer fixes
-Os installations(How to install certain OS in a certain way)
-Fighting worlds most dangerous inconveniences(Solutions such as how to extract text from photo)

-Premiere Pro tips and tricks
-Vegas Pro tutorials and tips
-Adobe Photoshop tutorials

-Chinese product reviews

-Free desktop recording software
-Free game capture software

As far as gaming channel goes, atm I have no intentions of making videos actively.
I do have some ideas and plans like :

In the game(Indie game review and gameplay series. I play Indie games and I react to them, also give my review about the game, if its interesting game I make more episodes)
Fright Friday(playing spooky games,review on Friday only.I found I enjoy scary games from Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Alone in the dark and more, would be cool to play those every now and then)
Rengar goes hunting(short vids with music, I still have love for Rengar and I might enjoy playing him and making short montage videos, even thought I said I quit LoL, I can still casually make videos, maybe I will one day)
-Game montages (I guess I was thinking about making GTA 5 or something like that montage videos, fuck that)
Playing first time series(I played LoL for many years and have ignored massive collection of games out there, so I play them for first time and record my dumbass reactions, with Dota people seem to enjoy cursing at me)
Game reviews(I own tooooons of games I would like to complete and publish my gameplay to Youtube and then review the game, from NES to PS1 and PS2 games and more)